/BCO-DMO/HOT/prim_prod --Cruise eq 285-- Level 1

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#   version: 2018-05-18
#    Primary Production data
#    from monthly HOT cruises to deep-water Station ALOHA
Cruise  lon     lat    PrimProd_filename  
285     -158.0  22.75  hot280-288.pp      
Incubation_type  Date      Start_time  start_date_time      End_time  end_date_time        Time     Depth  Chl_a_mean  Chl_a_sd  Pheo_mean  Pheo_sd  Light_rep1  Light_rep2  Light_rep3  Dark_rep1  Dark_rep2  Dark_rep3  Salt      Prochl   Hetero   Synecho  Euk      Flag        
R                160711    522         2016-07-11T05:22:00  1955      2016-07-11T19:55:00  14.50    5      0.067       0.004     0.050      0.002    5.08        6.07        6.13        nd         nd         nd         34.8918   nd       nd       nd       nd       2222929999  
R                160711    522         2016-07-11T05:22:00  1955      2016-07-11T19:55:00  14.50    25     0.065       0.007     0.045      0.003    6.40        6.12        5.49        nd         nd         nd         34.8916   nd       nd       nd       nd       2222929999  
R                160711    522         2016-07-11T05:22:00  1955      2016-07-11T19:55:00  14.50    45     0.075       0.003     0.056      0.006    5.78        5.46        4.75        nd         nd         nd         34.8877   nd       nd       nd       nd       2222929999  
R                160711    522         2016-07-11T05:22:00  1955      2016-07-11T19:55:00  14.50    75     0.120       0.002     0.114      0.006    3.97        3.50        4.00        nd         nd         nd         35.0276   nd       nd       nd       nd       2222929999  
R                160711    522         2016-07-11T05:22:00  1955      2016-07-11T19:55:00  14.50    100    0.236       0.003     0.571      0.015    4.63        4.64        5.06        nd         nd         nd         35.1796   nd       nd       nd       nd       2222929999  
R                160711    522         2016-07-11T05:22:00  1955      2016-07-11T19:55:00  14.50    125    0.246       0.012     0.591      0.037    1.44        1.54        1.46        nd         nd         nd         35.2550   nd       nd       nd       nd       2222929999  
R                160711    522         2016-07-11T05:22:00  1955      2016-07-11T19:55:00  14.50    150    0.096       0.011     0.350      0.027    nd          nd          nd          nd         nd         nd         35.3202   nd       nd       nd       nd       2225929999  
R                160711    522         2016-07-11T05:22:00  1955      2016-07-11T19:55:00  14.50    175    0.047       0.000     0.147      0.019    nd          nd          nd          nd         nd         nd         35.1455   nd       nd       nd       nd       2225929999